A New Video Overview of What the FJCC Offers


One of the long term goals of the FJCC is to provide short, quality videos that teachers can use with their students. While we are quite proud of our content videos that feature Dr. Fine, more student-friendly videos that go beyond simply the talking head approach would, we believe, be useful for both teachers and students. We are happy to say that we are making some progress in this area. Our first video provides you with an overview of the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship and what sorts of tools and resources we have to offer. Please share it with your friends!

New E-Book on Election Law



This is a resource that social studies and civics educators might find useful. The William and Mary Law School, in collaboration with the National Center for State Courts, have launched a new website which, while intended for judges, can be useful for ALL citizens as they seek to understand election law. As the current political primary campaign season has shown, many citizens seem greatly confused about election law. This is a useful resource as we go into the general election and convention season. While it currently has only Colorado, Virginia, and, of course, Florida (we all know that no election litigation ever pops up in Florida), the creators of the project do plan on expanding it beyond the three pilot states.

For more information on this resource and why it is necessary, I encourage you to take a look at this article from the Election Law Program that includes some rather interesting discussion involving lawyers and judges involved in both this project and election law cases.

If you have a resource like this, or involving civics and social studies education in general, please share it with me so that I can share it with others!

New FJCC Teacher Advisory Council

One of our great friends in civic education is iCivics. As part of their work and their effort to provide the best possible quality materials, they have a Teacher’s Council that works closely with them. Here at the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship, we are contemplating the creation of a similar council made up of FJCC resource users. This council will serve to advise us on directions for resource development and research and opportunities for new directions, suggest revisions concerning current resources, and generally serve as a way in which we can expand outreach to and collaboration with our stakeholders across the state of Florida.

If this is something that interests you, please shoot me an email. Note that there WILL be an application process of sorts. I expect that we will have this launching around the time of the October Florida Council for the Social Studies conference. We are very excited for this new effort!

The FJCC is Looking for Item Writers!

Update: We have sent out invitations. Thank you for your interest!


Do you teach social studies in Florida, particularly civics? Do you have or would like some experience developing EOCA type items? Do you understand the 7th grade civics benchmarks and the role of the benchmark clarifications? Then we would like to bring you in to the Lou Frey Institute on the 13th and 14th of June to work on helping us develop items for EOCA practice and review!

This will be a two day session. While the agenda is still being crafted, it will be led by our Dr. Terri Fine and yours truly. Day One will provide and overview and experience with the process and Day Two will give you the opportunity to write items! You will be compensated for your time, travel, and effort. We are hoping to recruit up to ten folks for this project, and would like at least regional diversity in participants. If you are interested, please shoot me an email, describing your teaching experience, item writing experience if any, and your district and school. Once we have ten folks, we will be ready to go. Thanks for your willingness to help your fellow teachers here in Florida!

Teaching Controversial Topics Webinar Up!

Last week, I had the great pleasure of attending a webinar on teaching controversial topics, which featured discussion from social studies and civics professionals from across the country. Well, happily, the webinar is now up on the Teaching For Democracy Alliance webpage. It is definitely worth your time, especially the conversation with Dr. Paula McAvoy. Her new book with Dr. Diana Hess is an excellent read.  You can access the webinar here.
TFD Webinar

Of course, being the happy web denizens that we are, there was an ongoing discussion of the webinar on twitter at #EducatetoParticipate. Check out the Storify for additional links, resources, and discussion!



New Resource for History and Government!

sips page 1

Students Investigating Primary Sources, or SIPS, is a brand new free resource from the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship. This new resource is a K-12 collection of brief introductory mini-lessons centered on particular topics and primary sources. These materials were created in collaboration with the National Archives, Pinellas County Public Schools, and Brevard Public Schools. We will be adding additional grade level materials as they are developed. Please note that the page has issues loading on Internet Explorer! 

org logos

We are very excited to share this with folks, and we hope that you find this useful. Currently, we have resources for high school US History and US Government, but as stated above, we will be adding additional K-12 resources as they are developed, and you are welcome to adapt these current mini-lessons for use in your state. Most excitingly, as the logos show, these are created in direct collaboration with the National Archives, drawing on their resources in conjunction with some of their excellent personnel. As always, however, we wanted to make sure that teachers have a voice, so we brought teachers and district leaders in from Brevard and Pinellas Counties. The resources are available as a PDF and in Word; simply click on ‘Download Original’ to access the Word version if you wish to modify it!

I hope that you find these useful. Please keep an eye out for additional resources as we move forward. We are grateful for our friends at the National Archives and our county partners for their work with the FJCC team! Oh, and our own Val McVey will be presenting on SIPS at NCSS in DecemberYou can access the free SIPS resources on our website.

sips page 2

Teaching Controversial Topics Webinar

webinar tci


The Teaching for Democracy Alliance, a worthwhile organization if there was one, is sponsoring and hosting a webinar on Tuesday, April 26th at 7pm featuring  iCivics, NCSS, CloseUp and the League of Women Voters, as well as nationally-recognized researcher Paula McAvoy. I have had the pleasure of attending a session with Dr. McAvoy on teaching controversial topics, and it is well worth your time. I encourage everyone to attend this webinar, especially since this election season continues to heat up. It is an interesting commnetary on our times that teaching about elections can be controversial; this webinar can help you understand how to approach this and other controversial topics. You can register for the webinar here. Hope to see you there!

Compilation of Election Resources!

The Florida Joint Center for Citizenship has compiled a variety of election and related resources that may facilitate instruction on this most important of elections. We have broken down the resources to make it easier to decide what you want, listed below, and this post will provide you with an overview of what you may find within each section. Please keep in mind that the Lou Frey Institute, the Bob Graham Center, and the FJCC do NOT take a position on any individual or candidate. 

You can find all of these links through our site!


Main Party Presidential Candidates


This section covers the five remaining major party presidential candidates. By the general election, we will have only the two major party candidates AND the ‘major minor’ party candidates that are likely to appear on multiple state ballots. Only the major parties were included here because many of the ‘major minor’ candidates do not have individual campaign sites. We HAVE provided links to party websites elsewhere on the page.

National Convention Information


As this section suggests, you can find information concerning party conventions here. Each party listed here is likely to have their candidates on at least ten state ballots. Some are more detailed than others.

National Political Party Websites


Before you ask, both the Communist and Socialist Parties are included here because they are included as part of Florida’s Civics Benchmark SS.7.C.2.28 (Identify America’s current political parties, and illustrate their ideas about government, within the content focus terms).  Excluding the two left wing parties, each party will likely appear on at least ten state ballots.

Senate 2016 Election



This site contains an overview of the 2016 election campaign, with a focus on the Senate races. Certainly a significant factor in determining the agenda of the president no matter the party.

State of Florida Election Information

State of Florida

Just what the title suggests, in this section you will find resources on registering to vote, candidates and offices, election supervisors, district information, and more. Obviously, applicable mainly to Florida, where we never have issues with elections.

Presidential Candidates and Issues

candidates and issues

Where do the candidates stand on the issues of the day? What is their position on what matters to you? Check out these resources to find out. Ballotpedia also has some excellent resources on non-presidential races.

Lesson Plans


Looking for a lesson relating to the race and elections? Check out what is available here! They are pulled from a variety of places from across the Web, with a heavy focus at this point on primaries and caucuses. Something that the candidates and their supporters may themselves need help understanding!



Looking for a good video that can be used to teach about the election? We have collection of them here for you. I highly recommend The Living Room Candidate to help kids understand the power of political advertising. And our own Dr. Terri Fine did an excellent video on elections in collaboration with the Orange County Supervisor of Elections.

Online Interactives and Games

online and games

Of course you will find iCivics here. But there are also a great many other online resources and games that you might find useful in getting your students engaged with the election! Not listed here, and it should have been, is our own election simulation site, which you are free to use not only for this election but for any sort of vote you wish to do with your students! 

General Election Sites


What kind of data can we look at about the election? What are some things you need to know? Check out these general links about the general election!

Elementary Trade Books


We need to be teaching our kids about voting and elections as soon as possible. Check out some of the books you can use with elementary kids of all ages!

We hope that you find these useful. And, again, we do not endorse or take a position on any candidate or issue! Except on civics. We believe that civic education should get all of the money. You can find all of these resource links on our site!  And thank you to our own Val McVey for getting these together!

Pop Videos for Engaging Kids With Content!

One of my favorite things to do, because I am just that guy, is to scour the Internet for interesting resources we can use to teach our kids about civics, history, government, and our beloved Constitution. While I love the Schoolhouse Rock videos that are from our childhood and remain all over the ‘Net today, we are always looking for more. So today I come to you with some videos that you can use to introduce or review civics topics with your students or for your own civic knowledge and thought.

Barney Fife Recites the Preamble

Are your students struggling with remembering the Preamble to the US Constitution and the role and purpose of government described therein? This could be a good way to help them focus on those important lines while introducing them to one of the most paragraphs in our history!

Daffy Duck Runs for Office

This is an awesome way to provide students with a quick and visual overview of the three branches of government while also getting to some important civics ideas. Majority Rule! Search and Seizure! Separation of Powers! Legislation! Power of the President! and so much more. Who knew that Looney Tunes could be so civic-minded?

Richard Nixon Goes Beyond Executive Orders

One of the Florida Civics Benchmarks, SS.7.3.12, requires students to understand the constitutional arguments being made concerning significant court cases. United States v. Nixon is one of them. There are of course additional benchmarks that get to such things as presidential power and authority, in the civics, US history, and US government courses. This video can do so much as it reveals a perception on the power of the President that many outside of Nixon could possibly share. I have had a number of great debates with my own students that involved this clip, and it is also a good way to introduce the concept of the Imperial Presidency.

Schoolhouse Rock (By Way of SNL) Teaches About Executive Orders

I love what you can find on the Internet. This is a great way to begin a discussion about, again, the power of the president as compared to Congress and whether executive orders are a good idea or even constitutional. Please note that there is some very mild language in this clip. I would still be comfortable using it to introduce the topic with my own students.

The Animaniacs Sing About the Presidents

Now, in Florida, students do NOT need to identify any presidents to do well in the 7th grade Civics course. That being said, they do certainly have to have a passing familiarity with them for other social studies courses. This video, while dated, provides a humorous overview of every president from Washington to Clinton, and it can be an interesting way to introduce the presidency. You could also use this as a way to encourage research for your students. DID Reagan’s speeches all come from old movies? What was Johnson impeached for? Was Grant really a heavy drinker as president? Oh, so many possibilities!

An Epic Rap Battle: Keynes vs Hayek

Those of us that teach economics need our own resources too, and this is a GREAT one to introduce a perennial economic debate. While it does take a particular perspective on the debate, it presents economic concepts in an effective and engaging way. My own students loved it, because they would watch with the lyrics in hand, and it would form the foundation of units throughout the year! We played this video quite often.

An Epic Rap Battle Part Two

This is the sequel to the previous video, and another worthy way to explore deep economic ideas.

The Brain Explains Why We Should Study History

I have actually used this video at the beginning of the year when I taught world history to humorously introduce the importance of history in general. This is also a nice path towards research projects if you teach a world history course. All those leaders!

Too Late to Apologize (A Declaration)

Friends, you haven’t lived until you have seen the authors of the Constitution as members of a hard rock band. In all seriousness, this is a WONDERFUL approach to the Declaration of Independence, and I have seen it used in many classrooms to really excite students to explore one of the foundational documents of American history and government.

The Fight for the Vote: A Bad Romance

I want to finish this up by sharing with you one of my favorite videos, relevant as we approach the anniversary of the 19th Amendment in just a few short years. This look, based on Lady Gaga’s ‘Bad Romance’, provides a nice lesson on the fight for woman’s suffrage. Interestingly, it uses Alice Paul as its central character.

I hope that you find some use for these videos. Some of them may be more appropriate or relevant for you than others, but at the least they serve as an additional resource for you! I would love to know any additional ‘outside the box’ videos that you have found useful in civics, government, history, or other social studies content areas. Shoot me an email or leave a comment!

Florida Middle School Civics EOCA Review Resources

The Middle School Civics EOCA is just around the corner, and we have been asked about resources that might be useful in reviewing for the exam. So without further ado, here are some possibilities that could serve you well! I have personally reviewed each of these resources, and am comfortable recommending them to you. And if you have any additions to this compilation, please feel free to share! Click on the link in the heading or in the text to access the resource.

FLDOE 2015 Civics Content Focus Reports


The 2015 Civics Content Focus Reports give you at least some idea of what the test might look like. Be sure to note the cautions on page 9. You will also want to review the Civics EOC Test Item Specifications, which you hopefully have been using throughout the year!

Florida Students Civics Tutorials


We have written about these tutorials before, and they are the first resource I recommend for both instruction and review. They are excellent for a flipped classroom model as well. If you are planning on using them as a review resource, I recommend assigning students only the parts of the tutorials they need, and it would be more effective to perhaps set these up in learning stations across the classroom. You could require that students screen-capture or write down responses to the assessment elements in order to ensure completion and comprehension.

Escambia County Civics EOC Review Site

escambia aa

The Escambia site is one that we helped develop, so we do have some attachment to it, but we also believe that the Student Friendly Readings for each benchmark clarification, as well as the assessment items (with answers) and Quizlet vocabulary review tool can serve you well in a review effort. Students can use each of the one page readings to refresh key content that they need, and it lends itself well to a learning center or small group model of review.

Florida Virtual School Resources

RRSFLVSThe recorded review sessions, available for free at the bottom of the FLVS page, do a good job covering elements of each of the four reporting categories that will be assessed on the EOC. Because they are about 2 hours long, you will want to preview each one and determine where you might want students to focus their attention. They may also provide you with a model for your own approach to classroom-based reviews. I especially appreciate how an effort is made to integrate assessment elements. Please be aware that you will need to download Blackboard Collaborate to run the videos. 

You will also want to check out the FLVS Civics EOC Practice test, which may be of use to you. Again, however, this shouldn’t be the first time that students are being exposed to these types and styles of items. Answers to the practice test items are available here. Note that answers are actually explained as well, which is an excellent element of review. I would suggest actually having students explain WRONG answers. If they can tell you why an answer is wrong, they should have a much easier time of figuring out why an answer might be right!

Civics EOC Boot Camp Model

We wrote about this review model last year, and it may be one that you find useful as well. It worked well for Randall Middle School, and it is a positive way to mix things up a little for both you and your students. We explored this model in great detail in this post, and I encourage you to take a look and see if it is something you might like to do.

District Review Sheets and Practice Tests 

Many districts have done a good job developing practice tests and review sheets for the EOC. Based on what I have had a chance to see, I can recommend a couple at the least.

Marion Review

Marion County, which has fantastic leadership in the social studies department, has provided teachers and students with an EOC study guide, made up of a mix of short answer questions, EOC style questions, and vocabulary, all of which draw on the test item specifications. All or part of this is something that I encourage you to adapt and adopt for your own review. Even having the students collaborate on the completion of the study guide could be a huge help for them in preparing for the EOC. Note that the guide is developed in conjunction with their own particular pacing guide and text; you can adapt the chapter and unit headings where necessary.


Pasco County has provided a quality practice test as well, though I prefer the FLVS version because of the answer explanations. Still, it is another way to measure student understanding and get a sense of areas of need while also ensuring ongoing exposure to EOC type questions.


Civics With Mr. Kula


Mr. Kula, social studies teacher at Westpine Middle School in Broward County, has compiled a number of quality content rich and illustrated study guides for the Civics EOC that could be useful for you. While they don’t cover every benchmark, what IS there is effective, and broken down by topic. These would be appropriate for students to use in conjunction with a written review or in small groups using an ‘expert group’ teaching model.

Mrs. Hirsch’s Civics Page


Mrs. Hirsch, a teacher at Fruit Cove Middle School in St. John’s County, has gathered a number of excellent tools for EOC review. The EOC Content Review sheets that she has provided are well done and engaging, and definitely worth sharing with your own students:
Q1 Civics What You Need to Know

Q2 Civics What You Need to Know

Legislative Branch Content Review

Executive Branch Content Review

Judicial Branch Content Review

Civics Assessment Strategy Guide

Kotkin Strategies

Here is an EXCELLENT and short powerpoint covering strategies for the EOC. I cannot recommend it enough!

Ruckel Middle School Civics Flashcards


Ruckel Middle School, in Okaloosa County, has developed a tool using Quizlet that provides students with flashcards for review. These might be useful as a bellringer or exit slip activity as you wrap up content this year and start to transition to in depth review.

Ms. Sirmopoulos’ Civics Review Materials


Jackie Sirmopoulos, an excellent and wonderfully effective teacher at PK Yonge Lab School in Gainesville, has been teaching Civics, with some of the highest scores in the state, for awhile. She has provided a plethora of useful review materials that I encourage you to explore. I have looked at almost all of them in each folder, and are all well aligned to the benchmarks and useful in helping you start to address possible student deficiencies while ensuring understanding among all of your students.

These are just a few of the quality review resources that you might find beneficial. If you have any additional resources to share, please shoot me an email or leave it in the comments!