register and propose sessions for Frontiers of Democracy 2024

Dates: June 13 (5pm) until June 15 (1 pm) at Tufts University in Medford, MA

Please hold the dates (June 13-15), register and purchase tickets at the “early bird” discount rate until March 29, and consider proposing one or more sessions for the conference by April 16.

This year’s special theme is “Violence, Nonviolence, and Robust Democracy.” We anticipate robust conversations (and disagreements) about what defines and causes political violence and about the potential and limitations of nonviolent strategies. This year’s plenary speakers on the nonviolence theme will include This year’s plenary speakers on the nonviolence theme will include Damien ConnersHeather CronkJalene SchmidtMaria Stephan, and Thupten Tendhar. Jessie Landerman and Keisha E. McKenzie from Everyday Democracy will lead an interactive plenary session on Prime Time Propaganda: Using Narrative, Dialogue, and Facilitation Techniques to Confront Violent Forms of Communication

The nonviolence theme is not exclusive; we welcome sessions on other topics related to Tisch College’s “North Star”: building robust, inclusive democracy for an increasingly multiracial society. In particular, we are eager to continue last year’s rich conversations about religious pluralism and democracy and would welcome proposals in that area, whether or not they relate to violence and nonviolence. 

Although we will consider proposals for presentations or panels of presentations, we generally prefer proposals for other formats, such as moderated discussions, meetings devoted to strategy or design, trainings and workshops, case study discussions, debates, and other creative formats.

The conference agenda will develop over the next several months.

Cost: $240 for a standard ticket with discounts for current students. This includes hors d’oeuvres on June 13, breakfast and lunch on June 14, and breakfast and lunch on June 15. Other meals and lodgings are not provided.

Learn more and register

Biden’s democracy agenda is limited but Trump is against democracy

Tisch College Dean Dayna Cunningham and I have a piece in The Conversation today. We begin:

President Joe Biden argues that “democracy is on the ballot” in the 2024 election.

We believe there are potential threats to U.S. democracy posed by the choices voters make in this election. But the benefits of American democracy have for centuries been unequally available, and any discussion of the current threats needs to happen against that background. …

For us, Biden’s talk of democracy is a useful starting point for a broader conversation about U.S. democracy and the 2024 election. …

BLM protests and backlash

In 2020, Jacob Rubel, who was then my advisee as a Tufts undergrad, launched with the lead author Mathis Ebbinghaus a project to assess the policy impact of Black Lives Matter protests. He got support from another advisee of mine, Jane Romp, and two other Tufts undergrads to hand-collect data on police budgets and political processes in 264 US cities (all of the 300 largest cities for which data were available), and he collaborated with Mathis Ebbinghaus and Nathan Bailey on the analysis. The results are now published as:

Mathis Ebbinghaus, Nathan Bailey, Jacob Rubel, “The Effect of the 2020 Black Lives Matter Protests on Police Budgets: How ‘Defund the Police’ Sparked Political Backlash, “Social Problems, 2024;, spae004,

Overall, funding for police did not change to a statistically significant degree from 2019-2021. Larger protests accompanied increases in police budgets, but not to a statistically significant level (hence that relationship could be noise). However, in cities where Republican voters were more numerous, larger protests were associated with increases in police budgets. The authors consider the timing of elections and show that this backlash was not a result of electoral pressures. Rather, cities with more Republican voters seem already to have had more conservative (or pro-police) political cultures, and those city leaders reacted to BLM protests by increasing funds for police.

See also: police discrimination, race, and community poverty; on the phrase: Abolish the police!; who protested in 2020? how change is made

Be the Leaders You Want to See: A Civic Learning Week Webinar with Congressman Dennis Ross

Good afternoon, friends! For Civic Learning Week, we were grateful to be joined by former Florida Congressman, Dennis Ross. Congressman Ross talked with us about civil discourse and student civic engagement. It’s one of my favorite webinars that we have done, and we hope that you enjoy it as well. And thank you Congressman Ross for joining us!

It’s The End of Civic Learning Week!

But civic learning never ends, does it? We all know and recognize that civic learning is a key part of life and the work that we do, and we have shared posts on our twitter accounts (@Loufreyinst and @FL_Citizen) that highlight some interesting research, events, and resources that we saw during the week. We want to make sure too though that we share some excellent support materials from our coalition partners in the CivXNow network!

The CivXNow Coalition, a project of iCivics, is a nonpartisan, ideologically diverse coalition of over 325 organizations who believe in you and this important work you do. In the spirit of Civic Learning Week, the coalition came together to share their  classroom resources (lessons, curricula, and professional development) that embody the best of their work. 

As a proud member of the CivXNow coalition, the Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship is happy to collaborate across the coalition to share these resources with you! We’ve partnered with organizations who, like us, want to champion civic education. Here you’ll find lessons and activities from Earth Force, Inquiring Minds, Emerging America – Reform to Equal Rights,  KQED, the Lincoln Presidential Foundation, the Lou Frey institute, New American History, and Periodic Presidents. 

Save these links, and use them! We are proud of the work our fellow members of the coalition have done, and we look forward to continue collaboration on civic learning throughout the year!

reading for personal interest: trends since 2003

I’m concerned about the state of reading, because I believe (and have seen evidence) that reading takes us out of our own minds into other people’s and enables us to make deep and creative connections. I feel myself growing less able to concentrate–although I did finally read Romola last week!–and I observe that my talented undergraduates are reading less than their predecessors did. I blame the distracting media environment rather than any generational fault.

Here are some data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

The line for ages 15 and older shows that adults are spending less time reading “for personal interest” than they were in 2003, down by about 28 percent. The BLS does not provide data on children. However, people between the ages of 20 and 24 (the classic college years) have seen a small increase in time spent reading for personal interest, albeit from a low baseline. The biggest decline is among those between 45 and 54, who read for half as long as they did in 2003, or about 10 minutes/day.

More education correlates with more reading, but all educational groups read less. Still, the decline for the most educated (those with graduate educations) is 28%, whereas the decline for people without high school diplomas is 87%. That group now reads for an average of 2.4 minutes a day, down from a substantial 18 minutes a day in 2003.

See also are we forgetting how to read?; a way forward for high culture; “The world wants the humanities”


I am so lucky: near the finish line
With no tragedies. My three sons are fine.
I may never have to open the door
To wrenching news or the grim stench of war.

I sleep all right these days, now that lust is less
A master, and guilt, that dogged hunter,
Lets me burrow in a secret shelter
Where I tell myself I deserve success.

When I heard Socrates had come down here,
I sent a boy to stop him. My knees are such
I cannot walk uphill to Athens much.
I hate to miss the clever talk, and I fear
The wise and famous will forget Cephalus.

It was like old times; we quoted lovely lines.
But I knew he'd start to press: “What do you mean,
Cephalus? Doesn't that come in different kinds?”
The more we examine hope, the more hope declines.
I left Socrates to my son, exited the scene,
And, wearing my silly wreath, resumed my place,
Performing prayers in the marketplace.

Cf. Plato, Republic 331d: “‘Very well,’ said Cephalus, ‘I will turn the whole argument over to you. For now is the time when I must take charge of the sacrifices.’ ‘Well,’ he said, ‘Aren’t I, Polemarchus, the heir to everything you have?’ ‘Certainly,’ he laughed, and he went at once to the sacrifices.” See also: Pindar on hope; philosophy and self-help; shelter

a woman of lustie courage (note #5 from the Levine library)

I occasionally post about books from my late father’s library, which line my office walls. Today I took down a book that’s in poor condition, missing its front matter and with an illegible spine. It appears to be An epitome of chronicles, Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did … gathered out of most probable auctours. The authors are Thomas Lanquet, Thomas Cooper, and Robert Crowley, and it was printed in London by William Seres in 1559.

By the way, chronicles of this type are an evident influence on George R.R. Martin’s books and the Game of Thrones series that he inspired. They are all about the deeds of the great.

I’ve lately been interested in Zenobia, Queen of Palymra, having read Nathanael Andrade’s 2018 biography. So I looked her up in the Epitome of Chronicles, which simply list of the events known to the authors in each year since the Creation. In the year 4228 (also identified as the Year of Christ 267, we are told:

Zebenna, Wife of Odeantus, a woman of lustie courage, and of great policie in warre, with her young sonnes, Herennianus and Timolaus, in despite of [the Emperor] Galienus (who consumed his life in lyfe in lechery and bankettynge) took on her the governaunce of the easte, and was called Empresse.

Then, under the year 272 CE, we are told that Aurelianius, who had been “made emperorour” on account of his “valyuaunt prowes and expertnes in marshall policie … overcame Zebennia, or Zenobia, which [named?] her selfe empresse of the easte, and besieging the citie Palmirena, toke and brought her prisoner in triumphe to Rome.”

Modern historians would concur, except as to her sons’ names.

See also Zenobia of Palmyra; Coryat’s Crudities (note #1 from the Levine library); Reformation propaganda (note #2 from the Levine library); A 1582 Catholic translation of the Bible into English (note #3 from the Levine library) and the progress of the king (note #4 from the Levine library)

building new research-practice fields

One of the great pleasures and consistent themes of my career has been participation in movements that involve both research and practice. These have included efforts for campaign reform, civic journalism, youth voting, civic education, service-learning, university-community partnerships, and public dialogue and deliberation.

I think of these as movements that launched at specific moments, grew, accomplished change, and then lost some momentum. My perception is subjective, since in every case, they emerged from previous efforts and have spawned new ones. One could start and end the stories at different moments and contest my implication that these movements have faded, since perhaps they have just changed forms. Still, I have observed particular configurations of people and organizations forming, issuing manifestos of various kinds, expanding, making change, and then tapering off or even fading away.

I first became involved in these movements when I was quite young and had no applicable training (my PhD is in philosophy), so I was naive about what is required to build an effective new field that combines research and practice. Now, I mostly try to stay out of the way of the burgeoning current efforts, because I think it’s crucial to develop new leaders with new ideas. But sometimes, I am directly asked for experience-based advice, and I’m happy to offer it if it really seems helpful. Here are some highlights …

Interventions (such as service projects, public meetings, or voter outreach efforts) do not work–or fail to work–like pharmaceuticals that can prove their efficacy in clinical trials. They always demonstrate a wide range of success, depending on the context and the skills, motivations, and working relationships of the human beings involved.

One important study of service-learning found that it worked, but only when “fully implemented,” meaning that it met various demanding criteria for quality. 193 out of 210 examples of service-learning were excluded from this study because they did not meet those criteria. Frankly, I think that almost any intervention will succeed if it’s done very well. Implementation is always the key.

We should nevertheless develop, study, and promote specific kinds of interventions. We are not discovering whether the intervention works, but making it work by improving people’s detailed understanding and support for it. To that end, several kinds of research are useful, including:

  • Research that rigorously demonstrates excellent outcomes in specific cases, to prove that the approach can work and to set standards. Rigor may require methods like randomized experiments with longitudinal follow-up. The results do not generalize, since other situations will differ. These are proofs-of-concept or existence-proofs.
  • Research done by the practitioners or in partnerships that involve practitioners. People who work in programs can contribute ideas and practical know-how. Also, being able to participate in the research can be a path to professional advancement for them. This is important because any field needs human capital.
  • Research that addresses the choices that practitioners are currently struggling with. Is it better to mobilize voters in-person or on social media? Should students choose their service projects or be assigned their topics? Results will not generalize completely, but empirical research can offer insights.
  • Research into the kinds of strategies that may promote quality at large scales, such as professional development, licensing and certification, or government mandates. Like the interventions themselves, these are not things that either work or fail to work; we have to make them work. But we can learn more about effective methods.
  • Research that addresses values. Why should we try to make a given approach work? Usually, because we hold beliefs about what is bad about the present and what would be better. Such beliefs are not biases; they are appropriate motivations for building a movement. However, they are contestable, and we should not simply assume their validity. The solution is to articulate and defend value-commitments, and not just once for the movement as a whole. Participants should be able to debate alternative versions of basic values.

Another way to put the last point is that movements need theory. Theory is always partly normative (related to values), not just empirical. And theoretical reasoning is comparative: it’s about choosing a working theory after considering alternatives. Therefore, movements need people who articulate and defend alternative normative views.

Networks of practitioners and scholars typically face pragmatic choices. Should we create new journals and conferences or try to place publications in influential venues? Should we converge on common measures or help people and organizations to develop novel measures? Should we emphasize the positive findings about our approach or share the uncertainties? What are the boundaries of our movement and the overlaps with other ones? Should we merge or split?

These questions involve tradeoffs, so they don’t have obvious answers. Nor would anyone be able to enforce one strategy. Therefore, I would anticipate a mix, with some people publishing in old venues and some starting new ones, some advocating common measures and some trying new ones, etc.

In general, I have found that it’s hard to get researchers to collaborate with practitioners (often nonprofit staff) or educators (including teaching-focused faculty). However, the main difficulty is not the people and their divergent values or interests, nor their attitudes toward each other. They often turn out to be rather similar and to get along well. The difficulty lies with their jobs. An assistant professor must publish, which requires originality and challenging methodologies. A nonprofit leader owes an evaluation report by the end of the quarter, and the report must accentuate positive results. Recognizing such differences (and there are many more) is a first step toward finding specific projects that can serve both sides.

See also principles for researcher-practitioner collaboration (an earlier take with similar suggestions); engaged theory and the construction of community